During the AviX®-seminar three companies were nominated for the eminent price AviX® Award of Excellence:
- VOLVO POWERTRAIN, „Standardization of work methods, procedures and documentation in AviX®. How we work in Köping and soon at Volvo Powertrain globally“
- COCHLEAR BAS MÖLNLYCKE „The company’s journey from station assembly to one-piece-flow assembly”
- FAGERHULTS BELYSNING „The effects of standardizing the methods in a process library, directly linked to the introduction of AviX®“
The jury said:
This year´s AviX® Award of Excellence goes to an originally small company with a very primitive production.
They have shown that by from the beginning work closely to their assembly staff, visualize and communicate progress and setbacks, one can achieve amazing results in a short time. The company is still working eagerly towards new goals and are constantly searching for new techniques and approaches.
Today, they are also aiming to remove as much administration as possible from production so that focus can once again rest with the mounting personnel and the process to continue having a successful product.
The company is today No 1 in the world!
This year´s AviX® Award of Excellence, we thus assign:
Congratulations from all of us at Solme!!