AVIX 4 – Lean production software for manufacturing cost reduction


AviX® 4, the latest release of the lean productions software, is widely adopted by companies to achieve quick and lasting manufacturing cost reductions


AviX® – The leading video based Lean Production Software


  • Integrated video technology for fast and efficient analysis leading to immediate cost reduction
  • Visualize the value stream and easily uncover potentials
  • Integrate and motivate employees for the improvement process 

AviX® Europe, 18.03.2009: With AviX® 4 (www.avix4.com) the latest version of the Swedish lean production software is now rolled out to the European market. Visualizing the value stream with video, integrated analysis based on lean and ergonomic principles and balancing of manufacturing lines by drag & drop are just a few of the highlights of the new AviX® 4.

 Rickard Norlén, founder of AviX®: “Increased functionality, simplified use – with this formula AviX® 4 opens especially for small and medium sized enterprises the possibility to implement lean principles for reduced manufacturing cost, without relying on long and expensive consulting projects.”

New modules like „Ergonomics“, „Design for Assembly“ and „Risk Analysis“ further increase customer value. Taking the necessary videos is done with any standard video camera, including those on many recent cell phones. The interactive analysis on the computer screen integrates the employees into the creation of improvement measures, increasing motivation and buy-in.

Built in standard times based on MTM standards help create measurable results and justify investment decisions where necessary. Tact-time optimization and the automated generation of updated visual instructions for the manufacturing line make increasing the throughput based on pull and flow easier than ever before.


AviX® is a key part of the production system of leading Swedish industrial companies, including global players like ABB, Ericsson or SKF. Video based optimization has proved to be a core utility in optimizing productivity at the workplace or smooth transfer of a visually documented workplace to a different manufacturing location.



LONDON, U.K.: +44 20 7770 6350

Gothenburg, Sweden:  +46 31 711 52 20

Berlin, Germany: +49 30 92 0383 4092