
What are 25 employees at Scania doing at their computers on a Saturday?

Analyzing with AVIX of course!

On a Saturday, 25-30 fitters, technicians and production managers from the engine factory D12-line, met at Scania’s Learning Center to work with AVIX. Production leader Pernilla Cedergren started at 8 am to define the group’s task for the day and to describe the current situation.


”A few months ago we had an estimate of the demand for the next forecast period but today we are more uncertain about how the current financial turmoil will affect us. The best we can do to prepare for deviations from the forecast is to have extreme control on our production times, so that we are well prepared to quickly adapt to the demand. That is why we sit here today to analyze, analyze and analyze again”, says Pernilla.

Super user

Scania engine AVIX Super user Saleh Mirza has an eye on what’s up, checks that everything works for everyone and walks around to support analysts with his AVIX experience.
Rather than to stress every day for a couple of weeks to keep up with all the analyses Pernilla says that they rather take an extra day and make something fun out of it. “We have loaded up with crisps, soda, candy and music to let everyone have a good time. We hope to finish everything during the day, we will have fun and we will also get to know each other better. When the job is done, they will all celebrate with a dinner at restaurant Barolo in central Södertälje!”

Worth paying attention to!

We at Solme think that this is well worth paying attention to. The strategy to respond to uncertainty in the economic situation and how it affects the demand… We couldn’t have put it better ourselves!

“AVIX – Part of everyday life”

Eddie Vidov

Production Engineer, Scania